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This privacy policy was prepared with the goal of providing all necessary information regarding the processing of personal data conducted by GARCIA LANDEIRO CARVALHO MORAES ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS. It aims to ensure enhanced security for our clients and to deliver the best possible service.


Should you have any questions, requests, or complaints, please refer to the contact information provided at the end of this document.


 1 – Who are we? 

Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes Advogados Associados, established in 2000, is dedicated to providing quick and innovative solutions to corporate needs. Our clients benefit from a team of specialists equipped to handle complex business issues, always with a strong commitment to ethics. Our team possesses diverse expertise in Engineering, Environmental Management, Occupational Safety, and Accounting. Additionally, the firm maintains a broad network of correspondent lawyers across various cities nationwide.


In certain scenarios, we are responsible for processing your Personal Data and deciding the purposes and means of such processing, thus acting as Controllers.


This Privacy Policy is crafted to simplify access to information for you, the client and consumer.

 2 – Preliminary Information 

To make the provisions of this Policy as clear and accessible as possible, we clarify some terms used herein:

  • "Us": Refers to Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes, the law firm that owns the website where this Policy is posted, formally known as “GARCIA LANDEIRO CARVALHO MORAES ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS,” registered under CNPJ number 10.293.417/0001-43, with its head office located at Avenida Tancredo Neves, 2539, CEO SALVADOR Shopping, Suite 2901, Tower Block London, Caminho das Arvores, Salvador, Bahia, ZIP: 41820-021.

  • "Personal Data": Refers to any information that identifies or can identify you, such as your name, CPF (Social Security Number), email, phone number, or indirect identifiers like your address and IP number.

  • "Sensitive Personal Data": Personal data related to racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political opinions, union membership, health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data.

  • "Client": Any natural or legal person who engages the legal consultancy services of our firm, or uses our platform in any way.

  • "Processing of Personal Data": Any action performed with personal data, including but not limited to collection, transmission, processing, and storage.

  • "Data Holder": Any natural or legal person whose personal data is processed by us.

  • "Purpose": The objective we aim to achieve by collecting and processing personal data.

  • "Need": The processing is relevant, proportionate, and not excessive—we collect only the data necessary for our purposes.

  • "Consent": A freely given, informed, and unequivocal agreement by you for us to process your personal data for a specified purpose. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, but this does not affect processing that has already taken place.

  • "Third Party": Refers to any natural or legal person we might have a relationship with, such as service providers, suppliers, consultants, partners, or subcontractors.

  • "LGPD": General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018, amended by Law No. 13,853/2019), which governs data collection and processing in Brazil and informs our privacy practices.


 3 – About the Origin of Your Data 


Our website may collect personal data for various purposes. To facilitate this, we utilize the following methods:

  • Website: You can fill out forms, send comments and questions, contact our team, or register on our platform directly through our website. Data collected this way is saved for future assistance.

  • Messages and Communications: When you communicate with our team via WhatsApp, SMS, email, or any other communication method, we store certain data to facilitate ongoing and future interactions with our clients and users.

  • Offline Mode: At times, we may collect data offline, such as at events or through other organizational interactions where we might gather information like your email address.

  • Third-Party Data: Occasionally, third parties may provide your data to us, for instance, through social media interactions, government entities, or payment intermediaries.



 4 – How and Why We Collect Your Data 


It's important for you as our client, user, or visitor to understand how and what personal data we collect and use when you interact with our website. We always strive to collect the minimum amount of data necessary for your security; however, certain data is essential for us to provide adequate services and for the functional operation of the website, as described below:

  • Marketing: When you fill out forms and register on our website, you may receive emails containing information and updates. We typically collect data such as your name, email address, and telephone number.

  • Site Navigation: As you navigate our site, we automatically collect data like your IP address, browser type, pages you visit, and the duration of each page visit.

  • Contact Information: When you contact us via email, phone, or chat, we gather your contact details, including your name, email address, phone number, and the content of your message.

  • Service Usage Information: We collect data related to your activities associated with our services, such as your search history on our website and pages visited, which helps us provide personalized service. Additionally, when you share photos, comments, suggestions, questions, or other materials with us, we collect this information.

  • Location Information: We collect precise location data when you use our location-based services.

  • Database Development: We build databases of candidates for job, internship, and service provision opportunities at our firm.

  • Protection, Defense, and Administration: We collect data necessary for protecting, defending, and managing the interests of Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes.


 5 – Minors 


The services offered by Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes are not intended for children under 18 years of age. As such, we do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from minors. Individuals under 18 should not register on our website or provide us with any personal data. It is the responsibility of their legal guardians to prevent minors from submitting information to us.

Should we become aware that we have inadvertently collected personal data from a minor, we will take steps to promptly delete such information.


 6 – Consent 


Under the LGPD, consent is the free, informed, and unequivocal expression whereby data subjects agree to the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose. At Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes, we strive to ensure that your consent is given voluntarily, based on clear and accessible information.

You may withdraw your consent at any time, which will immediately halt the collection, storage, and processing of your data. However, it is important to note that withdrawing consent does not affect the legality of any processing that has taken place prior to the withdrawal.

Please be aware that revoking consent may affect the delivery of some services provided by Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes. Information about the potential impacts will be provided at the time of consent withdrawal.


 7 – About the Use of Cookies 


Cookies are small text files, typically encrypted, that are stored in your browser directories. They are used by web developers to enable efficient navigation on websites and to perform various functions. More about cookies can be found at All About Cookies.

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience on our website. Cookies help us recognize your browser and optimize your experience. They also provide insights into your preferences, informing us about which sections of our website you find most interesting and what content might be of interest to you. While session cookies are deleted when you close your browser, persistent cookies remain on your device until they are manually removed.

You may block or delete cookies at any time through your browser settings. While we minimize the use of non-essential cookies, the cookies we do use are necessary to provide a better service, in line with the legitimate interests outlined in the LGPD. You can disable these cookies through your browser settings at any time.


 8 – Who Do We Share Your Personal Data With 


We prioritize the use of anonymized or pseudonymized data, which do not allow for the identification of individuals unless combined with additional data.

Your data may be shared with third parties under the following conditions: legal or regulatory obligations; court orders or government requests; legitimate interests; with your consent; to protect rights; to detect, prevent, or address fraud, security violations, or to protect against harm to the rights, property, or safety of our users.

Some third parties with whom we share your data under these conditions may be located outside of Brazil, resulting in international data transfers. Even in these cases, your data will remain protected under the General Data Protection Law and other applicable national laws.

By consenting to this privacy policy, you agree to the sharing of your data as described, in compliance with the LGPD, and you may revoke this consent at any time.


 9 – Storage of Personal Data 


We process data in compliance with the standards established by Brazilian law and applicable legal provisions. Personal data collected and processed by Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes is stored only as long as necessary to fulfill its intended purposes, or longer if required by legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations, as outlined in Article 16 of the LGPD.

Data subjects have the right to revoke their consent at any time, as per Article 8, § 5 of the LGPD, and to request the deletion of their data.

 10 – About Your Rights in Relation to the Data Collected 


This section aims to inform our readers and visitors about their rights regarding personal data, as guaranteed by the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD):

  • Confirmation of the processing of your data;

  • Access to the processed data;

  • Correction of personal data when found incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated;

  • Anonymization of personal data, rendering them unidentifiable;

  • Temporary blocking of personal data, suspending processing for certain purposes;

  • Deletion of personal data, ensuring their permanent removal from our systems;

  • Portability of data, allowing transfer to third parties;

  • Information on sharing data with public and private entities;

  • Clear, complete, and accessible information regarding the right to withhold consent for data processing;

  • Revocation of consent, which does not affect the legality of processing performed prior;

  • Opposition to data processing when consent is not legally required.

We reserve the right to provide requested information within limits that do not infringe on our intellectual property or trade secrets. Furthermore, the exercise of rights such as deletion, non-consent, revocation, or opposition may limit the provision of some services, which will be clearly communicated as needed.

 11 – About the Security We Apply When Processing Your Data 


Security is a cornerstone of our privacy policy.

All personal data you provide are treated with complete confidentiality and protected by robust security measures in line with legal requirements:


  • SSL Encryption (Secure Socket Layer);

  • Firewalls;

  • Intrusion detection systems;

  • Constant network monitoring;

  • Use of secure passwords;

  • Periodic checks of system security.

All personal information is stored on secure servers, safeguarded against unauthorized access by the most advanced security technologies.

Our security team diligently monitors and updates these protective measures to ensure ongoing data safety.

 12 – Exemption of Liability 


Despite employing advanced data protection and security measures, no virtual environment is completely immune to risks. Garcia Landeiro Carvalho Moraes is not liable for damages resulting from user negligence, third-party malice, except in cases of proven fault or deliberate misconduct by us, or inaccuracies in information provided by users.



 13 – Request for Modification, Removal, or Alteration 

We understand you may wish to modify, remove, or alter your personal data. Please contact us to address your request. Note that fulfilling these requests might not always be possible, especially when they conflict with our legal or contractual obligations.

Requesting the deletion of your data may impact your ability to use our website and services. If modification or deletion is not feasible, we are available to discuss alternative options.

 14 – Changes to Our Policy 


This Privacy Policy, last updated in March 2024, may be amended periodically. Changes will be reflected in updated versions of this policy, with continued access to updated information provided on our official portal: GLCM.

 15 – Our Contact Information 


For questions, comments about this Policy, or complaints, or to exercise your rights, you can contact us via email at or, or by phone at (71) 3414-9254.

To update your preferences or exercise any rights, simply email your request to the designated contact: or

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